Sunday, January 27, 2013

Well, it's been a while. Sometime ago, I finally broke down and got myself a Facebook page and I have been posting there for the last year. Someone suggested that I put some of those posts here for safe keeping. I logged into the site and they have upgraded the enviroment with some cool new features, including a format suited to mobile devices. I decided that I would give my blog another try.

I must warn you in advance that there is a possibility that these post contain names that have not been changed to protect the innocent. Having said that, nothing here is worth hurting anyones feelings over and I have made efforts to anonymize the characters mentioned in my blogs. You'll especially appreciate that if you look funny or have any unusual ticks.

At this point I'm not sure if I can date these post to appear in the order they were written, thus I will keep the original name, "Random Thoughts" for this blogesphere.

blogesphere is a cool word I saw on the Internet. If I spelled or used it wrong I will claim creative rights, thus inventing a new word.

There aren't any members here yet and you won't see a lot of comments. Don't feel obligated to join or make any but feel free.

(I have elected to violate your right to free speech and have my blog set so that I can censor your comments before they appear on my blog.)

So.... Enjoy!

or not....


  1. This is truly amazing! You should have millions of readers.

  2. I love reading your blog, insights. You are an amazing writer. Please keep it up. Thank you brother in-law. Love ya!

  3. Thank you for your kind comments. Please email me your new address so that I can get your check in the mail.

  4. Chris, you have always amazed me with your music and your thoughts. Carry on my brother-love this!
