Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Of The Best Purchases I ever Made

I did it....I bought a mop.

You may wonder, "what's the big deal? It's a mop".

This isnt just any mop and it isn't a sissy mop like you buy at the dollar store or kroger. This is a Whoopi Goldberg mop. This is a mop that would make a church custodian jealous. In fact, it's more mop than most men can even handle. But in the hands of a skilled professional, this mop is...devestating. Dirt trembles at the sight of this mop.

I'm so excited! While it's true that I just can't afford one of those cool mop buckets with the handle thingie yet, I can lay it in the bath tub and take my shoes off and wring it out quite well with my feet. I admit that after a few wrings my feet were getting sore. Tomorrow i might try wetting my mop and then laying it on the drive way and backing the truck over it back and forth until I get the excess water out of it.

I absolutlely love this mop.


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